Dunja Pavlovic

Program Manager
Dunja Pavlovic is a final-year student at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
She has been a coordinator for the "Meet Diplomacy" project, which aims to familiarize young people with diplomacy and the functioning of diplomatic missions, as well as to educate and stimulate their interest in diplomacy and international relations which can contribute to a better understanding of the world and the promotion of peace and cooperation among nations. She was a team member on the Yellow Routes 2023 within the Peace Line. She was responsible for preparing and conducting workshops about history, culture of remembrance, narratives, and moderating discussions. This two-week program includes traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and North Macedonia, visiting important historical places in those three countries. She has a wide range of interests, spanning from music to law, and has always been dedicated to being socially engaged, helping people in her community. She successfully completed the "The English Access Microscholarship Program" funded by the U.S. Department of State. Dunja represented Serbia in the "The Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship Program" in the United States, and she also participated in the "Balkan Youth Forum" in Bulgaria, engaging in discussions with young people from the Balkans about various regional issues. Furthermore, she took part in the "Preparing Global Leaders Forum" at the American University in Blagoevgrad, where she learned valuable leadership skills. She was a part of the "European School of Debate," which greatly improved her public speaking abilities and allowed her to debate in the final debate at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. Dunja successfully completed two seminars at the Faculty of Law, "Accession of Serbia to the EU Course" and "Tolerance and Coexistence Against the Challenges of Modern Society Course." She also participated in educational seminars for women's empowerment, "Active Women, Active and Better Society," organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence within the Joint Regional Program "Dialogue for the Future: Enhancing Dialogue and Social Cohesion in and between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Serbia," implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, and UNESCO, and funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund.
Dunja had the opportunity to participate in the JA Company Regional Competition, where she achieved first place, and in the National Competition, where she achieved second place. She holds an Entrepreneurial Skills Pass (ESP), an international qualification for young people with entrepreneurial experience who have gained the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies for starting businesses or achieving successful employment. This qualification also provides access to further opportunities offered by small and large enterprises, as well as top-level institutions and international organizations across Europe.
She also successfully completed an OSCE seminar titled "Confronting the Past: Introduction to Transitional Justice with a Focus on War Crimes Trials and the Practice of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ)." Furthermore, she completed Google's course on the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and received education on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Dunja was a member of the International Preparatory Group for the 21st edition of the International Youth Conference ‘European Values for the Future of SEE Countries’ organized by Youth Alliance – Krusevo.
Dunja finds inspiration in Napoleon Hill's words: "The starting point of all achievement is desire."

Dunja Pavlovic